and Australia* reported the genetic basis of the Ticked tabby coat pattern, a phenotype whose genetics long have been used empirically by cat breeders. One such study was published in March 2021 in Animal Genetics 52: 321-32, entitled "Mining the 99 Lives Cat Genome Sequencing Consortium database implicates genes and variants for the Ticked locus in domestic cats ( Felis catus)." In this paper, scientists from the U.S. While such assessments of global genetic structure are informative, analysis of genes resulting in well-known phenotypes have been slower to arrive. This genome comprised 2.84 gigabasepairs (Gb), of which only 1.8% (1.38 megabasepairs, Mb) was not assigned to a specific chromosomal location. As a consequence of these studies, sequences comprising the ~300,000 gaps in the annotated sequence reported to the Cinnamon Abyssinian were obtained, to produce a new reference cat genome denoted in relevant databases as Felis_catus_9.0. Rather than focusing on one cat, this group* performed whole genome sequencing (WGS) of 54 domestic cats and aligned the sequences to detect single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and structural variants (SVs). A paper published in the Public Library of Science, entitled " A new domestic cat genome assembly based on long sequence reads empowers feline genomic medicine and identifies a novel gene for dwarfism," PLoS Genetics 16(10): e1008926 on October 20, 2020, reported a revisit of the genomic sequence of Cinnamon, an Abyssinian breed domestic cat previously sequenced. These efforts resulted in a more comprehensive elucidation of the feline genome and insights into genetic bases for disease. Since that time more individual cat genomic sequences have been determined and assembled in the 99 Lives Cat Genome Consortium. Details of the domestic cat genome structure included the presence of 217 loci of endogenous retrovirus-like elements (amounting to 55.7% of the entire genome, comprised of long interspersed elements (LINEs), short interspersed elements (SINEs), satellite DNA, retroviral long terminal repeats (LTRs) and "others") 21,865 protein coding genes (open reading frames or ORFs), detected by comparison with eight mammalian genomes (from human, chimpanzee, macaque, dog, cow, horse, rat, and mouse) and a wealth of genetic variability in single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertion/deletion events (indels) novel families of complex tandem repeat elements and short terminal repeat (STR) loci. catus and Felix silvestris, have 38 chromosomes, 18 pairs of autosomes, and two pairs of dimorphic gender-determining chromosomes. The report showed that domestic cats have retained "a highly conserved ancestral mammal genome organization" in comparison with ancestral cats ( see Driscoll et al., 2007, " The near eastern origin of cat domestication," Science 317: 519–23). The study reported sequencing of a female Abyssinian cat named Cinnamon, a mixed-breed cat from Russian named Boris, and Sylvester, a wildcat ancestor of domestic cats. The report, entitled " Annotated features of domestic cat – Felis catus genome," was published in GigaScience 2014, 3:13 (August 5, 2014) ( see " Domestic Cat Genome Sequenced"). Lauderdale, Florida reported the complete genomic sequencing of the domestic cat, Felix catus. O'Brien at the Oceanographic Center, Nova Southeastern University, Ft. The first such study was published in 2014, when an international effort led by Stephen J. The domestic cat has been the subject of much study, recently involving its genetic structure, genomic DNA sequence, and comparisons with other felines.